Friday, June 19, 2009

Dallas Mavericks Uber Alles

ESPN is reporting that Dallas Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki has filed for sole custody of the child of Crystal Taylor (pictured in her mug shot above), provided a Maury-style paternity test proves he is the "vater". That's right, she has a mugshot, arrested for allegedly not paying for something like $11,000 worth of dental bills. My question directly to the uber-kraut is this: do you understand what it means to be an NBA player, let alone a superstar? It means you don't have to settle for some buster who has been roughed up pretty well with both the ugly stick and the crazy stick. I mean, have you seen Rony Seikaly's wife, for Got's sake? Or mediocre pitcher Kris Benson's wife? You can do better, even if you don't play defense and won't ever win a title.

1 comment:

  1. Rumor has it, she's the only one who knows how to administer a Filthy Bavarian Farfernugen in the greater Dallas Metro area.
